Henry did the VIII?

The best thing about staying local is developing conversations with friends and acquaintances. Sometimes people come over to us and say ‘You know what you should do?’

In this case, our friend Lawrence Beale Collins suggested a bogus historical reference about Henry VIII, inspired by Deptford Shipyard’s reputation for serving the greed of King and Empire back in the day. 

Deptford’s historical past has a patchy physical presence on the urban landscape, making it the perfect environment for wild and inaccurate statements. Cézanne once said: ‘I owe you the truth in Painting’. In the same way, we hope that this artwork will, by virtue of being overtly false, make us think and add some humour to a serious topic.

Holbein's original painting



Azraq Refugee Camp: Visit Two


Otra Curvatura En La Ruta 9