From the Four Corners

How do you make a mural happen? Keep knocking on doors until people start saying: ‘Oh, it’s you! We were about to call you to paint our walls!’

With three more days to use a rented scaffolding, which we’d hired to restore another mural, we began searching for a quick project.

We were itching to do a mural where we had complete creative freedom, which usually means doing it for free. We recycled an idea of honouring Deptford’s minorities through boxes of produce from the market which, like us, come from all over the world.

When Deptford Market finishes for the day, these boxes are piled along the High Street. It is curious to think of the people, living far away from here, who carefully create the designs for each box, which is then thoughtlessly discarded after being used. If you want to know about a society, look at what they throw away!




The Hive


A Thousand Feet Will Follow