
Engaging and collaborating with individuals, communities and like-minded organisations is at the heart of what we do.

We are always seeking new opportunities to create work in Deptford, Lewisham, or the rest of the world.

We aim to make our murals accessible and relatable for the thousands of people who pass them every day. When we work with participants, we never give them what they initially want. Our aim is to find together what they didn’t know they wanted.

Want to get involved?

Become a patron

If you like our work, believe in our mission, and want to see more of it, please consider becoming a patron by donating a small sum of money each month.

£2, £5 or £10 via our GoCardless account.

We keep our patrons informed on how we spend the money.

Volunteer with us

We love meeting new people and are always grateful for help on our projects. Keep an eye on our social media for current and upcoming projects to join in with.

Instagram / Facebook / Twitter


We’ve worked with organisations such as Care International, Heart n Soul & War Child on projects in London and internationally.

If you’re an organisation that thinks we could work together, please get in touch.

We also work with individual filmmakers, musicians, performers and other visual artists. If you’d like to talk to us about collaborating, please get in touch here.

Donate a space

If you have a public facing wall that you feel could make an impact on the local community give us a shout. We’re always looking for new canvases.