El Nido

In 2012, we were asked to develop a series of pieces for CEDEPREM – a centre for the development of premature infants. We started by changing its name to ‘The Nest’.

The site is situated between two shanty towns in the otherwise rich suburb of San Isidro. With the help of experts and staff, we transformed the inside of the building from a cold, clinical building to a welcoming nest.

The video below is in Spanish.

In November 2014, we returned to tackle the outside. It was a real group effort, with lots of volunteers helping along on the way, especially, the families of children who use the facilities.

The idea for this mural was to paint the shadows projected by trees, electric cables on other objects onto the wall, but transform them into luminous shapes. It locates ‘The Nest’ in relation to the sun and acts as a kind of camouflage. The luminous shadows are a fixed element in a changing environment, just like a nest needs to be in a fixed place in a tree in order to support new life.

The 2014 mural on the outside walls of El Nido

We returned again in 2018 to restore the paintwork and keep the place evolving, this time adding a new nest in the enclosed open plaza, to give the feeling of being embraced with a loving curve.

The nest in the enclosed plaza

Funded by




New X-ING Relay


Newcomen Centre