Rye Oak Primary School
We were tasked by the school’s headteacher to creatively engage the children with their motto, to bringing visual fun and vibrancy into the four words that represent the school´s values. During our three workshops, we noticed that the students focused on each letters shape and how wonky and curvy the space around them was, rather than illustrating the meaning of the words. We were inspired by how the students gave each letter an identity and personality reflecting the school’s diverse community. As we left the workshop, we were struck by the sense of mutual support within the school community: students uplift and build each other, teachers empower students with knowledge and confidence and the cycle continues. The figurines surrounding the letters convey a sense of movement, playfulness, and the idea of everyone in the school building each other up.
Artmongers team was able to hire our School of Muralism Graduates, Nadina Ali and Amaechi Anolue, We would like to thank Adeja Cooper and Ana Moreno for volunteering in this project.